VISITORS and Prospective members

The Warlords meet at, and are part of,  the Johnsonville Club.

As a licensed venue this does mean it has rules to follow and we ask that all members and guests follow the clubs rules .

The club location is 1 Norman Lane, Johnsonville. the map below has the details of how to find us.

Non club members, or curious members of the public are welcome to visit us, we ask that you register below so we know to expect you.


  • if you have been invited by a current Warlords member, they will sign you in, and are responsible for you.

  • If you wish to come along and don’t know any existing members, please fill in the form below and we will put you on to a relevant member to arrange to host you, play a game etc. Please fill this in at least 3 days before a meeting you wish to attend.

Visitors/non-members attending a Warlords meeting must get a Warlords member to sign them into the Johnsonville Club upon entry (this includes spouses/partners of members).  This is essential, as unsigned in individuals on the premises is a breach of the Club’s liquor licence, which can have severe consequences for the Club’s operations.

Members under 18 are not permitted to consume alcohol at the Club, regardless of membership.

Visitors 16 or under need to be accompanied by a parent. Once they join, members 14 and older can stay on their own, but members under 14 need to be accompanied by a parent at all times.

Prospective new members are welcome to attend and play games for free up to 3 times without joining the club. This free initial gaming is not available to former Warlords members, who should be familiar with the club. If you want to return to the Warlords, you will have to rejoin.

We do not offer the ability to pay table fees for casual games (i.e. pay a fee for the table each occasion you game at the club instead of paying an annual membership subscription).

Non-members are welcome to join tournaments and one day events organised by members without joining the club. A $15/$25 fee for one day / two day events applies to non-members (fees may be higher if the event is funding prizes). They must be signed in on the day by a member.

All members and visitors are expected to adhere to the Warlords Code of Conduct.

Visitor Request Form