Join Us
Becoming a Warlords member gives you full access to the club days, discounts for Call to Arms and free entry to club tournaments. Membership also gives you membership of the Johnsonville Club.
Membership types and annual fees are:
Regular member $60 per year.
Senior member (i.e. over 65 years of age) $35 per year.
Country [out of town] member (i.e. not living within 30km* of the Johnsonville Club – as the crow flies) $20 per year (since Dec 23).
*30km is just north of Paekakariki. Anywhere within Wellington and the Hutt Valley is within this radius (see map below).
If you would like to become a member, your membership fees can be paid directly into the club bank account: 02-0500-0147439-02
Alternatively you can pay the club treasurer, Tim, with cash in person at a meeting.
In either case, please complete the form below, so we have your details. If you are an existing member wishing to update your membership, please also use the form.
Please do not pay the Johnsonville Club directly. You join the Warlords first and the Warlords will then organise your membership of the Johnsonville Club on your behalf and obtain a club membership card for you. This may take up to two weeks. The Secretary is in charge of obtaining cards.
In the event of financial hardship or inability to pay membership fees, please contact the Treasurer in confidence, and we’ll work something out.
Membership Benefits:
Warlords members receive a discounted rate for registering in Call to Arms competition events. Local tournaments and one-day events (i.e. held at the Warlords) are normally free for members.
Members are free to use the Warlords’ terrain, tables and space provided at the Johnsonville Club and are encouraged to organise games, tournaments and events at the club.
The Warlords own a variety of club terrain that is available free for use by members. This includes a variety of base cloths, hills, buildings, ruins, trees etc.
Members can access the Warlords’ Discord server.
Members get the full membership benefits of the Johnsonville Club. This includes the bar, bistro restaurant, club car parking and all club facilities
Johnsonville Club membership comes free with joining the Warlords and Warlords members get the full membership benefits of the Johnsonville Club. You cannot opt out of it and you cannot use reciprocal membership from other type clubs in lieu of joining the Johnsonville Club to game at the Warlords. In essence you join the Warlords and you get a free membership the to Johnsonville Club.
Upon cancelling your membership to the Wellington Warlords (or not renewing), your membership to the Johnsonville Club is also cancelled.
Membership Join/Update Form
Map showing the radius for out of town membership.