CTA 2025 policies and general information

Opening and Closing Times

Saturday 30 August and Sunday 31 August 2025 - The hall will be open to attendees from 8.00 am on Saturday and Sunday. It will be closed at approximately 7.00 pm on Saturday and when we finish cleaning it on Sunday.

Games will begin at 9.00 am unless otherwise specified by the umpire.

Setting up - The hall will be open on the evening of Friday 31st from 5.00 pm for the organisers to set up the tables for the convention.

It is requested that those who can, come along and help set up. Be prepared to move tables and help make it all work.

Attendees and umpires/organisers are welcome to come in to set up tables from 6.00 pm. Set up will need be completed by 8.00 pm at the very latest when the hall will be locked, so give yourself sufficient time if you want to take this opportunity. If you are coming in to set up your competition, please do come earlier to help with the general set up.

Opening Address at Call To Arms - The Organising Committee will give a 5 minute opening address at 8.50 am on Saturday to welcome attendees and provide the mandatory health and safety/house and grounds notices. Your full attention to this would be much appreciated (i.e. please don't converse and continue to set up games during this very short period).

Pack Down - At the end of your competition, you will need to pack away all of your gear and then help move tables. A member of the organising committee will assist with this. You may be asked to just stack your tables on the wall if other competitions are still going, otherwise tables will be put back into the Warlords Container and also the school cupboards.

All competitions need to be finished by 4pm so that packdown is not delayed, if you have done prizegiving yet, this can happen around 4.30 when all the tables are put away. This will help us with the time it takes to pack the container and truck, and not have everyone waiting for you. By the end of the weekend we are all tired and want to go home as well.

Rules/Policies/Conditions of Hall Use

Name tags - Name tags will be provided for all attendees (including demonstration/display gamers). These will be at the entrance on Saturday morning. Please pick them up as you arrive and wear them over the two days.

Smoking - This is prohibited anywhere within the College grounds, including the facilities and outside grounds [St Patrick's policy].

Car Parking - Cars may not be parked in the garage vicinity or in areas marked as prohibited for parking. Cars may not be driven over or left on the brick paved areas at any time. Cars may park in the school grounds including the quad, but not in the area adjacent to the garages. Cars parked in violation of these requirements may be towed away [St Patrick's policy].

Fixtures - No alterations are to be made to the positioning of any permanent lights, lampshades, hangings at the back of the stage, curtains or fixtures [St Patrick's policy].

Tidiness - Wheelie rubbish bins will be provided inside the hall and there are jumbo bins outside. Please tidy up after yourselves and dispose of any rubbish in the bins.

Damage - Please report any damage or other issues (e.g. toilet paper running out etc), if and when they occur, to the Organising Committee.

Fire Alarms - Should the alarm go off, please vacate the hall and move to the area in front of the College at the main entrance driveway.

Organising Committee Notices/Policies

Registration Payments - Attendees must have paid all registration fees owed prior to attending CTA on Saturday morning (i.e. you can't turn up and pay on the first day) except by special arrangement with the Registrar.

Warlords Discount - Warlords members are entitled to a $15 discount when registering in competition events.

Refunds - Attendees who register their intention to withdraw from CTA to the Registrar by email before 1 August will be refunded any fees they have paid (please inform both the Registrar and competition umpire). Withdrawals from 1 to 14 August will be refunded if we fill your spot. Subsequent requests for refunds (e.g. withdrawing post 14 August or not showing up to CTA on the day) will not be refunded.

Competition Results - Results from some CTA competitions may be supplied to national ladders and/or rankings by the umpires. If you do not want your name to be included, please ask the umpire to remove it. The Organising Committee has asked the umpires to advise players of this and give them the option to remove their details if they choose to, where results are promulgated for this purpose.

Umpires will provide results to the registrar post the event, to be distributed to all players.

Security - The Organising Committee will take all necessary care but no responsibility for the security of items at CTA, as it is an event open to the public and we cannot provide a guarantee against theft or loss. Please keep an eye on your own items and valuables at all times. The hall will be locked in the evening and is alarmed at night with a resident custodian at the college after hours. Items left in the hall overnight are left there at the owner's risk.

Bring and Buy Tables -  These will be provided for attendees to sell items relating to the wargaming hobby in general, including books. Please ensure you clearly denote/label all items for sale with the asking price, the owner's name and where to find him/her in the hall for prospective buyers. The Warlords provides an area for bring and buy items as a free service. All sales are a private transaction between the buyer and seller. The Warlords will not become involved in disputes over sales and it is up to sellers to keep an eye on their own items. It is fine to bring items from non-attendees to sell, as long as they are relevant to the hobby and a CTA attendee takes responsibility for them.

Medals and Prizes - CTA is intended to be a regional club convention designed to promote the Wellington Warlords and the wargaming hobby in general. Medals will be provided for all competitions as per the umpire/organisers’ requirements for that competition.

Sponsors - We are happy to be sponsored by some companies and the list of who they are will go here (TBC). We thank them for thier generosity.

Photographs - Please ask gamers for permission to take pictures of their games at CTA first, as a common courtesy.

Traders - Any details of traders will be posted here.

Catering - We are expecting Catering and details will be confirmed here. You can also bring your own food or buy some from the Kilbirnie shops, which is a 5 minute walk away.

Visitors - Visitors are welcome to come along free to CTA.

Please respect the above rules to ensure we have a great convention for both attendees and organisers alike.