Wellington Warlords is a wargaming club that caters for a range of tabletop wargames.
We meet at the Johnsonville Club, 1 Norman Lane, Johnsonville, on the 1st, 3rd and 5th (when there is one) Saturdays of the month, from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm.
The Warlords are members of the Johnsonville club and all members joining the Warlords become members of the Johnsonville club. For more info on the Johnsonville club go here.
There is an annual fee to join Warlords, but we welcome people to come and play a couple of test games at the club to see if they wish to become a member. To book as a guest please go here to request a booking, as a club member will need to sponsor you as a guest for the meeting.
We also host an annual convention, "Call to Arms" in spring every year and club members frequently run club tournaments and one-day events.
The Warlords is Wellington’s oldest wargaming club and a registered incorporated society that celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2022.
Please do not park in the reserved marked spaces in the Jville club carpark.